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Homebased Outlet/Package


Sample Home-base



* Lifetime account

* Operate 24/7

* Open CSR 24/7

* No Maintenance

* No Quota

* No Renewal

* No C.I fee

* No Hidden Charges

* No Cut Off

* No Cash bond needed

* No permits (Homebase)

* Easy Requirements

* Free Tarpaulin




You can transact bills payment through your UPS Webtool, Java Application or even at Android App! Transact and Operate all types of bills such as Utilities, Telecom, Airline Post-Booking, Credit Cards, Insurance and Tuition Fees. On the others category included charitable institutions and uncategorized billers (e.g EasyTrip, E-Pass)

Upcoming biller Reloadable Beep Cards (Probably will categorized under Loading Services)



add a service fee on your customers as a bills collection agent. A system fee of P10 is levied so any amount beyond P10 is your income. You are the one to decide how much the mark up.


Ex.                                                                   Earnings:

Meralco Bill=P1,000 plus                               Mark-up=P50             

Service Fee=P50 (sample only)                    Less: Sys Fee company income=(P10)

Total Bill P1,050                              TOTAL EARNING  =P40/bill x 10 transaction = 400/DAY x 30 = 12,000/Mo

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UPS remittance service for local and international Pawnshops. Send and Receive money has never been easy with UPS Remittance services, no delay of transaction, real-time system, no cut-off, and offers lowest SERVICE FEE in the Philippines.


Transaction: Sending and Receiving


Ecash to Ecash (UPS to UPS) 1-50,000 money send company charge 25

Ecash to Cebuana - Same as cebuana charge, Income will be any amount beyond cebuana Charge (MARK UP)

Ecash-Smart money - Mark up decignated charge of smart money

Ecash-credit to bank 1-50k flat rate charge 160 except BPI 170


Ex.Client Money                    10,000

Rate/Remittance                         500

Total                                          10,500

Less Company Flat Rate    (10,025)

Income                                    475/transaction


Tie Up Company: Local (Smart money, Kwarta gram, Gemcraft, GPRS, Pera Padala, Abs-Cbn Remit Local Banks, Unified Hub, Savemore and Pharmacy, Global Pinoy Pawnshop, EXQUISITE PAWNSHOP, Davaoena Pawnshop, Dominion pawnshop, Merlin PAwnshop, Patrick Pawnshop, OUR LATEST Cebuana Pawnshop)

                     : International (iRemit, Moneygram, Transfast, Newyork Bay)

Upcoming: Western Union / Palawan / LBC / Mluillier

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sample picture is capture by webtool application using 

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UPS Express are offering Worldwide ticketing service and Travel and Tours Accomodation, in partnership with 206 Airlines Worldwide and offers prices at base fare rates (classified from cheapest to highest fare rate) all consolidated in one system w.out any cash bond needed per airline.


We also offer Travel and tours packages and Hotel Reservation

You can also Earn mark up and also to maximize your market.


For International Airline Tickets 
Global Dealers can earn a service charge of P750 to P1,000 pesos per one way ticket. 


Sample earning computation:
10 passenger buying round trip tickets to hongkong and you put a 1000 mark up per way, since it was roundtrip 1000 times 2.


Passenger             10

mark up          x 1000

Income            10,000 (your mark up will be included to taxex and fees computation)

For Local or Domestic Airline Tickets
Dealers can earn
P150 to P500 pesos as their service charge
The 500 pesos service charge is the market standard service charge per way.


Sample earning computation:
10 passenger buying domestic round trip tickets, that means they are buying 20 tickets.
Income per ticket: P300 pesos X 20=
P6,000 pesos earnings. (your mark up will be included to taxex and fees computation)



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You can sell loads using your computer or mobile phone
Earn 2.5% to 13% for every DIRECT load wallet sold by you.


Sample earning computation regular load:
Globe Load P1000 X 0.3=30 pesos
Smart Load P1000 X 0.3=30pesos
Sun Load P1000 X 0.3=30 pesos

Total earning per day is 90 pesos
Total earning per month is 2700 pesos (not bad for extra income)


Transactions: Loading (Smart, Sun, Globe)

                 Internationa Load (Etisalat [U.A.E], Singapore load, upcoming Hongkong Load)

                 Regular Load, Special Load, Prepaid Cards, PLDT cards, Cable loads

                 Game Cards, Meralco load. UPCOMING BEEP CARD RELOADING!


How about from your retailer?


30 retailers nagpapaload sayo ng load wallet 1000/day

retailers                        30

load wallet            x 1000

Total sale               30,000/day

Rebates                  x  2.5%

Total income            750/day x 30days = 22,500/Mo.

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 All members and their families are insured from accident by Malayan Insurance – the No. 1 Non-Life Insurance Company in the Philippines and is a part of the Yuchengco Group of Companies. And the good thing about this is you can also share to your love ones this kind of insurance that is 10 times cheaper than what you think it will cost less than 75 pesos per policy.


Policy 1 -100,000 coverage 1year (one time payment good for 1 year) 

Policy 2 - 60,000 coverage 1 year (same as the written above) 

Policy 3 - 40,000 coverage 1 year (same as the written above) 

Policy 4 - 100,000 coverage 6 MONTHS (same as the written above)

We also offer our new insurance company FPG insurance and CTPL.



Any amount beyond 75 pesos will be your income. Again your the one to decide how much the mark up.

*you can earn through mark up!


Sample price in Market              499.99/Policy

Less:UPS Price                               (75.00)

Total income                                  424.99/policy

sample quota 10 policy               x  10   

Total income per day                  4,249.90

Days a mo.                                      x    30   

Total income per mo.  127,497/Mo.

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You already have your own accountant and invertory in your system. Hassle free business and less expenses. All transactions are updated and recorded everyday.



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